Saturday, April 01, 2006

Top 10 best things about comix

Comix sux but theres some good things about comix:
10. Frank Miller cuz he rocks.
9. crossovers which are AWESOME cuz all the heros and bad guys get ttogheter and FIGHT BIG!!!!
10. superman no not really he is GAY!!!
7. Batman is the ROCXXORS!!!! IF you dont think so you must be RETARDED or something cuz hes the GODDAMED BATMAN!!!! ALL-STAR BATMAN ROXXX!! even if robin is a total fag
6. HOTT WOMEN!!!! i love LADY DEATH and VIKI VALE cuz she walks aroun in her lonjeray!!!
5. SPIDERMANS new costume!!! its almost as cool as the BLACK ONE but thats cool cuz of VENOM!!
4. The current trend at the two primary nodes in this sphere of publication, namely DC and Marvel, toward examining the serious sociopolitical and emotional ramifications that would result from the existence of these costumed demigods existing in a realistic setting alongside mundane humans. While these stories have the tendency to be sidetracked into simplistic melodrama or bogged down by excessive continuity, and though they do have a tendency to be treated as though they contain far greater gravitas than they actually do, their existence should be seen as a relatively universal positive. It is a prime example of the pressures exerted on the comic industry by passionate creators and an external literary tradition, as well as a reaction to the popularity that less mainstream comics enjoyed during the mid-1990s. The challenge before the industry now is how to balance emotionally-satisfying catharsis with humor and pure entertainment, and how to draw in the casual readers without alienating the core fandom.
3. BOOOBS!!!
2. Wolverine!!! he should appear in every book everywherte!!!! he shoul fight DARTH MAUL and BOBA FET and kill SUPERMAN cuz he is gay and WOLVERINE ISNT!!!!
1. ME!!! cuz other blogz are GAY!!!


some people think ROB LIEFELD and JON BRYNE are bad artists and those people are STUPID!!! they think COMIX should have all art that look like REAL PICTURES an thats CRAPY. i mean, some REALISTIC art is COOL like GREG HORN cuz he draws HOTT WOMEN he is a good drawer!!! his name shold be GREG HORNEY!!!!!

but other people talk about ANATONY and PORPORTION like all comix shold be like PICASSO or something. his name has ASS in it!!! to thos people i say:

YEAH!! that dood has a little dick HAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!!


they should do a Larry the Cable guy comic by Frank Miller thatd be awesome!!!!! they could call it GIT_R_DUN the COMIC!!!

Best part of V for Vendretti

This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is it vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished, as the once vital voice of the verisimilitude now venerates what they once vilified. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified, and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin van-guarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition. The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose vis-à-vis an introduction, and so it is my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V.

man i dont even undersand most of that but its awesome. it made me want to stop the govenment, but then I remembered I like bush, and Bush wold never let it get like that. Thank goodness wel'l never have anything like that. i hope those Wackowsky brothers arnt liberal commie pigs. thats wehy I hated Superman red sun cuz Supermans already a pansy sissy punk and it made him a bedwetting liberal commie scum to.


i dont like Grant Morrissonn an I dont understand why people like him so much. his comix dont have enough guns in them and the characters talk to much and i dont understand what theyr'e saying. We3 wuz okay bcuz it had blood anda killer cat and stuff, and Bulleter has that hot chick. i wis shed take off that red swimsuit and show us how much of her is silver, BOOYAH!!!!

so grant morison sux! meybe Jeff Lobe will do 7 soldiers when hes done, tat would ROCK!!!

The Truth

This is not a fool this is the truth.

I love comix when they dont suck but comics today all sux. All comics are about rape and insanity and sucky stuff. Heroes shouldnt kill like they tride to Scarlet Witch who is hot. Except Punisher and Spawn and the cool heroe,s but thats cuz theyre L337!!!

I think SPIDERMANs new costume rox tho. its the best change ever. most changes sux, cuz comics were BETTERZ in the SILVER AGE!!! excep Spidermans costume made him look like a fag, the black costume was the BEST and this is good to.

speking of the BLACK COSTIME where is VENOM? How come he does'nt have a series anymor??? VENOM NEEDS A NEW SERIES!!!! hes the LETHAL PROTECTOR!!!


Rob Liefeld is Awesome

Rob Liefeld is clearly the best artist in comix today. Its cause of Rob that i started Reading comix in the 1st place. I own all of Brigade and evry Youngblood #1. Check ourt this awersome art!

Has Captain America ever looked that manly? NO!!!!1 Cap sux! he was Only good when ROB drew him! It's a fact!

And what about Youngblood, the Best Team Ever?

Look the first the best!!!!

Rob draws the HOTTTEST WOMEN!!!!


Comics Suck

Comics suck and have suxked for years. The last comic i liked was the Chuck Austen Superman one where repo man kicked Superman's sissy ass!!!!! SUPERMAN SUX!! Chuck Austen is awesome he shoud write mor books cuz hes awesome. Chuck Austen shold write Wolverine and Gambit vs. Punisher and the X-Men, cuz thatd be the most awesome thing EVARRR!!!!